Tag Archives: ornaments

Super Mom, uh-huh

Not to toot my own horn, but I pretty much “did it all” the other day. Scene.

Wake up, make school lunches, substitute teach half day, pass child in hallway who exclaims “my ear hurts”, takes child to doctor, gets antibiotic, flea bomb the entire house, take dog and child to pick up sister-in-law and drive to the airport… and arrive home by 4:15 to make dinner.

End Scene.

I realize that it has been a few months since my last post. Not only did I get so overwhelmed by the school year, but then the holiday’s happened… and fleas. Yes, poor sweet mini golden pup attracted fleas, six weeks ago. After many – every two week applications of back and forth Frontline to Advantage doses, Capstar instant kill pills and flea bombing the house for the 3rd time… I’m hoping we are done. I mean, each time we will be flea free for a week or so and then BAM, another population of fleas is born. The vet blames the unusual warm weather and claims that 50% of her clients are having flea issues. Not only do I have to spray the furniture, carpets, baseboards and bedding with flea spray, but then after we arrive back home 3 hours later, I have to wash, mop and vacuum it all. It is a pain. We are all itchy. I take two showers a day because I can’t get rid of “that feeling”.

Speaking of the cute little mini golden pup – he loves our Christmas tree ornaments. This is his first Christmas. He slept through the tree trimming – didn’t seem phased by it at all… then suddenly the next day he seemed surprised that a tree was in our house with a ton of nice goodies for him to eat. At first he was only interested in the round ones – why are all these balls on the tree? After those were gone or put up high, it was time to grab anything within reach. Maybe mommy won’t notice if I hide behind this chair with it. Chomp Chomp. I have placed a container with coins in it next to the tree – so if I catch the ornament thief near the tree, I can shake it. So far this has not discouraged him to steal a shiny treat when I’m not in the room.

In other news, today is “Polar Express” day at school. The kids get to wear their pajama’s to school and towards the end of the day they will watch the movie and have hot chocolate. Somehow, I had a lapse in reasoning and volunteered myself to make 3 gallons of hot chocolate. I bet I will look cute lugging the huge gatorade container in to school.